Be aware of a few precautions that we take when renting a vacation property which should also be taken in the case the owner rents his house directly to another person:
-When renting the house, sign a Vacation Rental Agreement (see our sample agreement);
-Rent the house keeping an employee you trust responsible for the house (cleaning, kitchen, laundry). It´s recommended that this employee is paid by the guest (from R$ 60.00 to R$ 80.00 a day) thus, motivating this employee to do a good job and to enjoy the house rentals;
- Receive the rental money beforehand and be sure to have enough time for the check to be cleared before the beginning of the rental period (in the case of payment with check);
-Arrange the arrival and departure time with the guest, to be able to wait for them. Exchange phone numbers (especially between the people welcoming the guests) and leave your mobile phones on in the case they arrive later than expected;
- try to please the guest the more you can, so that your house is rented more times by the same people, offering a welcome dinner, for instance, or the first breakfast, leaving flowers around the house, etc.
-Put fragile and expensive decoration items away, out of the property;
- If there are any objects or equipment that require special care, do not forget to warn the guest.
- Before the arrival of the guest, verify if all equipment is working properly (follow the check-list below):

) General house cleanup;


) Pest control treatment at least once in the last four months;


) Check if all light bulbs are working;


) Basic cleaning material available: disinfectant, cleaning cloth, new sponges to do the dishes, soap powder and soap bars, toilet paper, bags for garbage in the kitchen and bathrooms, cleaning products;

) Trimmed garden with no leaves on the floor;


) Pool – when available – clean, with the valves working and extra-cleaning material available (chlorine, algaecides and others);

) Enough clean plates, silverware and glasses;


) Complete pan set, serving dishes, spoons/knives to cook;


) Electrical equipment working, especially stove and fridge


) Full gas cylinder, and an extra one;


) Full drinking water filter;


) Clean closets and store room;


) Recently cleaned fridge, without any leftovers;

) Electrical equipment working properly, especially TV, stereo sound system, fridge, fans and/ora ir conditioning (the ones available);

) Clean bed linen, enough for the people renting the house(if supplied by the owner);


) Mattresses in good shape;


) Air conditioning and/or fans working properly;

) Clean enough towels (if supplied by the owner);


) Toilet paper (at least two rolls per bathroom);


) New hand and body soap bars (recommended);


) Clean enough towels (if supplied by the owner);


) Washbasins and drains with disinfectant (to smell clean);


) Showers working perfectly;


) If the shower is gas-heated, leave a full extra gas cylinder available;


) If there is central heating, verify if it was turned on at least one day prior to the beginning of the rental period.
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